• Why choose Foundation Physical Therapy over other physical therapy practices?
    We offer concierge care, giving each patient 60 minutes of one-on-one time with a professional who is a highly trained Orthopedic and fellowship-trained specialist (FAAOMPT). Enjoy benefits like secure chat access, online bill pay, an app to follow for submitted claims, and app-enabled home exercises. Due to the dedicated 1:1 time with a highly trained specialist, patients typically require far fewer visits, often just once a week

  • Do I need a Prescription for Physical Therapy?

    In California, it is not necessary to obtain a doctor's prescription to consult a Physical Therapist. You can receive treatment from a Physical Therapist for up to 12 sessions or 45 calendar days, whichever comes first

  • Does Foundation PT take insurance?

    We accept all PPO plans as OON provider. We will verify your health benefits before your first visit. Please call us and we will help you understand your insurance coverage and benefits.

  • Can I provide session bills to claim insurance coverage?

    Yes, We provide superbills that can be submitted to the insurance. We offer billing help upon payment in full at each session.

  • Does Foundation PT provide telehealth services?

    We have effectively provided virtual physical therapy sessions utilizing secure and HIPAA-compliant software. The outcomes achieved through telehealth physical therapy are comparable to those of in-person sessions, offering the added benefit of evaluating patients within the comfort of their home environment.

  • Can I bring my child/partner to my appointment?

    Certainly! Bring your child; we understand childcare challenges. We accommodate babies/toddlers with pack-n-plays or strollers. Older kids can join or wait in the lobby. As for partners/spouses, feel free to have them in the room during your examination or treatment. It can be beneficial for them to receive education alongside you, especially for individuals recovering from surgery.